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Juan David Cortés Echeverría

It was a hot day and my father had just lended me his camera to take a picture of a bird perching nearby. All of the equipment was noticeably humid due to the weather conditions, so I cleaned it up a bit and, using all of the strength that I had at that moment, lifted the viewfinder to my right eye with one hand, while trying to stabilize the lens with the other. To my surprise, the zoom of the lens allowed me to enter the carefully constructed universe of the feathered creature: the iridescent blue of its feathers, the puddle that acted as a bird bathtub, and the details of the rocks surrounding the entire scene. 


I could’ve been there for hours, studying every little detail like a scientist excited about his new discovery, but I knew that at any moment the bird could fly away and, in doing so, bring its tiny realm to an end. So I simply took the shot and showed the not-so-scientific result to my expectant family only to be met with surprise and awe. To be honest, it wasn’t a great picture and the reaction could merely be interpreted as a form of familial encouragement, however, the emotion and the memory stuck with me, inspiring me to continuously ask my father for his camera until I could get one of my own. With each photo I took, I delved into a completely new world that I could analyze through the lens while looking for better ways to, artistically, evoke sentiments in my growing audience. The photographs got sharper and acquired a finer composition, while the intimately built family circle opened up to allow for friends, friends of friends and even complete strangers. 


For me, now a 18 year-old, photography is a way to transport people to other universes and, by doing so, excite and share emotions. I know that not every picture that I take will be completely faithful to this belief, however, like a scientist, I must continue to experiment with my camera and my techniques without ever surrendering in the face of the results. In that sense, this entire webpage is but a collection of what I consider to be my best and most artistic experiments. Hope you can enjoy them as much as I do.

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